Meet Saucye West
I say meet Saucye West like you don't already know who she is. There is a huge possibility that you do. This jaw droppingly gorgeous and unbelievably talented woman has created a huge following for herself. There is a lot of buzz about her in the plus size industry.

(image from instagram @saucyewest)
Being a plus size model and an influencer, Saucye West really knows how to speak to and speak up for the plus size consumer. And who is the plus size consumer? All of us! All of us plus size people ready and willing to pay money for good quality and fashionable clothing. Saucye West has been paving the way in challenging people to hold plus size brands accountable for expanding their sizes past a 5x and truly being inclusive to all plus size bodies.

(Wearing our Rachel Jacket and Harper Pants)
We have always been huge fans of hers. Her Instagram is usually our first stop when we are in search of a little fashion or OOTD inspiration. So to see her in our clothing is a dream for us! Watching her work her magic to style these looks is a total vibe! If you aren't already following her, make sure you do. We promise you wont regret it. Follow her Instagram by clicking here.

(Wearing our Alexa Cardigan and Maya Skirt)
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